NFT Morning podcast
Listen to the kugle team talk about the project at the nft morning invitation (in french).
Kugle is a game centered around oh-so-adorable virtual pets we call Kugles!
Collect and play with them in a wonderful Kugle-Galaxy-Land!
Kugle is a cosy Gravity-platformer party-game online, playable cross-platform on Smartphone and PC.
Listen to the kugle team talk about the project at the nft morning invitation (in french).
KugleCorp was presenting the game Kugle at the CryptoXR event in Auxerre!
Ugo Belfiore, hello. You are the CEO and CTO of KugleCorp. What is your background ? I am initially a gameplay programmer in...
Each Kugle has specific traits which relate to in-game abilities.Glide, Updraft, Dash your way to victory!
KugleCorp will only distribute elementary Kugles. It is up to you to breed your perfect pet, refining its traits each generation.
Earn tokens through daily missions,challenge the community and climb the leaderboard, explore gorgeous 3D worlds on your mobile or PC!